
Addie's Angel's Annual Benefit
​Every year since 2015, Addie's Angels has held a benefit in honor of Addison Marie Kelly. There are raffle baskets, 50/50 tickets, silent auction prizes, door prizes, and much more! Money raised at the benefit allows Addie's Angels to continue to help the local community. More information can be found here.

Hiltop Bench in Honor of Addison
At Hiltop park in Havertown, PA there is a bench from Hiltop Civic Association that was made in honor of Addison. Hiltop is a place that Addie and her family were at very often, so we though this would be the perfect place for people to enjoy the bench.​​

Annual Charity BLAST
For the past two years we have held a charity workout in order to raise money for ​Addie's Angels. The workout is always held at the Ultimate Wellness Lab in Havertown, PA. Thank you to all that have joined us in participating in the BLAST.

Christmas Decorating
Every Christmas Addison's family gathers and decorates her grave for Christmas. Anyone is welcome to come join in celebrating Christmas with Addison. More information will be posted in the Events section as it gets closer to Christmas.
For all donations and purchases please visit and specify what the payment is for.

Coloring Contest
Addie's Angels gave students at Scared Heart School the assignment of coloring an angel. Grades K-5 were given a picture of an angel and were told to color it, but grades 6-7 were able to create their own angel design. One winner was picked from each grade to win a gift card.